Situations where kids may need partial dentures

29 December 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Proper dental health begins at an early age. In fact, if your child's teeth don't grow well from when they're young, they may face continuous dental challenges moving forward. Primary teeth typically fall out and are replaced by permanent ones as your child continues to grow. However, this process doesn't always proceed smoothly.

If early tooth loss, infection, or injury interferes with your child's teeth, they may need partial dentures to restore oral health properly. Dentures for children are specially made to line the gums and to remain firmly in place. They can still be easily removed for cleaning and maintenance purposes. 

Partial dentures can help kids in many different ways, from improving their speech to filling the gaps left by missing teeth. Here are 4 situations where your child may need denture services.

For premature teeth loss

Your child's primary teeth will be eventually replaced by permanent ones. However, when primary teeth fall off prematurely, they leave large, open gaps in your child's mouth. These gaps not only affect biting and chewing, but they can also result in misaligned permanent teeth.

Partial dentures can be used to fill in the gaps left by missing teeth. They will essentially act as placeholders that guide your child's permanent teeth to grow healthily.

To support proper jaw development

Missing or misaligned teeth can also affect your child's jaws. The jawbone may not grow strongly and naturally if your child is missing too many teeth. To ensure proper jaw development, partial dentures come in handy for children. These partial dentures are specifically designed to temporarily support your child's jawbone while replacing any missing teeth.

For social and psychological benefits

Adults sometimes forget how sensitive children can be. If your child is missing their primary teeth, they may feel ashamed to smile, talk, and interact with other children. Such socialisation challenges can lead to long-term issues such as low self-confidence and trouble making friends.

Partial dentures fit naturally into your child's mouth. When your child smiles in the mirror, they and their friends won't notice that dentures are at work.

To Improve speech challenges

Children learn how to talk from a young age. If they have missing teeth, they may experience difficulty learning how to pronounce words and how to express themselves. This is particularly true if they're missing multiple front teeth.

Speech issues from a young age can have long-lasting effects on children. However, partial dentures solve this problem and enable your child to communicate clearly.
